The Picture of the Universe:
During the younger days of my school, to me, the Universe was just the Solar System. At least I had a picture of the Universe as a Solar System to me, I should say a proper picture. But in ancient times, everything was an assumption, even, the earth was considered to be a flat plate. There were various Cosmological Models for Universe. With time, things changed and new ideas and theories were put forward by various famous personalities such as the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Ptolemy, Nicholas Copernicus. One of the Ancient models was the Geocentric model, also known as Ptolemaic System which proposed that the earth is the centre and the sun, the moon and the other planets circle the earth. An illustration of the Ptolemaic geocentric model:
Another astronomical model was published in 1543, called as Copernicus Heliocentrism in which Nicholas Copernicus proposed that the sun is the centre and other planets are moving around it. The Copernican Model:
The present model of the Solar System is based on the Heliocentric Model with a change that the planets move in an elliptical orbit rather than the circles. Model of the Solar System:
Our Solar System is just a tiny part of the Universe. To me the Universe is Infinite and all these models can only picturise what we know. But there is a lot which is out of our sights. Most of us are curious to know what is hidden in the deep corners of the Cosmos. With time, we might get to know our Universe.
Curiosity is the key to discoveries. We have now become capable of searching for planets and stars beyond our solar system and all the credit goes to the advancements in the field of science and technology but, still, there is a lot to discover with time.
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